
what is reflexology?

Reflexology is an ancient touch therapy that uses specific massage and acupressure techniques to activate the healing powers of the body.  The feet contain a mini-map of all our organs and body-parts that are mirrored in what we call ‘reflexes’.  These reflex maps can also be found in the hands, face, and ears.  By applying gentle pressure, a healing response is stimulated, assisting the body to return to a state of balance.

AOR Reflexology map

what happens during a treatment?

Initial treatments begin with a consultation where we can discuss your medical history and any current issues or ailments you are experiencing.  This will allow me to get a detailed picture of you that I can use to tailor each session to your needs.

For the treatment, you will need to take off any shoes and socks and be able to roll your trousers up towards the knee.  It is recommended to wear clothes you feel comfortable and can relax in.   Reflexology is deeply relaxing and many people drift off into a meditative state (or even fall asleep) during sessions.  

how many sessions will I need?

It is recommended to have at least 4-6 regular sessions to begin with.  These are usually weekly or fortnightly and gives your body a chance to respond.  Once you begin to notice improvements, especially if you have a specific health condition, you can then move to monthly treatments.  Monthly sessions are a great way to maintain overall health and well-being as well as manage stress.  Or, if you simply want to try reflexology and get to know me, a one-off session is a lovely relaxing treat to unwind (and get a good night’s kip!).  

All sessions will be tailored to your individual needs.  Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss your circumstances.